Dallas Mills Yogurt Pants Encore
65 photos added Aug 20, 2018
As promised, here's a little more of the amazing Dallas Mills!
Dallas Mills Yogurt Pants Encore
65 photos added Aug 20, 2018
As promised, here's a little more of the amazing Dallas Mills!
Liked by 65 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, danzig, darkbladeopiate, disassociateme, djb, dutchessguy, dWiz, egadnob, electricgurl, energikat, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973, John65,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, kalebkan, kazys, kitaurawa, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, Lokabo, masetudo, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PhilP, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, snakeplissken, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, twat, walmai, xfatcat, zamark, Zambucco, zubbhead
Wanda Ablee Sweet Baby Jesus
70 photos added Aug 22, 2018
You might think I am redundant as an artist. I think I am redundant as an artist. I am more of an addict than an artist. I am addicted to the drugs these women fill my brain with. I am addicted to these experiences. I am not complaining. I will photograph one thousand Wanda Ablees, and the next day, I will awake renewed, searching for the next. Don't worry, Mom. Your baby boy is having a great time.
Liked by 64 users: allldo, ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, danzig, darkbladeopiate, disassociateme, djb, dutchessguy, dWiz, egadnob, electricgurl, energikat, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973, John65,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, kalebkan, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, Lokabo, masetudo, Menz, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, snakeplissken, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, walmai, WolfgangvonGoethe, xfatcat, zamark, Zambucco, zubbhead
Three Girls One Schlub
64 photos added Aug 24, 2018
Here we go. My first time shooting for Zishy in The City. Start spreading the news. New York City has a lot to live up to now in my eyes. I was able to bring together 3 amazing women on short notice. Skye Blue (the girl with the blue eyes), Nina Presley (the girl with the blue hair that resembles ScarJo), and Barbie Qu (the girl in the black dress). We had a perfect afternoon teasing all over Manhattan. You will see more from this Big Apple adventure soon. Evevntually, we made in to Central Park. Then, there were some taken in a friend's apartment. Peace and love.
Liked by 67 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, axolotl, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, cjjordan, danzig, darkbladeopiate, dedal, Dellicious, disassociateme, djb, dutchessguy, dWiz, electricgurl, energikat, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973, John65,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, loet66, Lokabo, masetudo, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, silvrstrk, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, walmai, WolfgangvonGoethe, woodbridge_sub, xfatcat, zamark, Zambucco, zubbhead
Lola Arburg Greases The Sheets
56 photos added Aug 26, 2018
Lola Arburg strikes me as a very happy and positive person. She seemed to understand the aim of my site quite well. Lola wants to be celebrated as a beautiful, sexual creature that has the potential to unlock the hardened hearts of men. If you are a man, you surely have felt the social pressure which demands that you be tough and strong and hide your vulnerabilities. This is bullshit. If you want to feel real strength, try this homework assignment. Tell another man, preferably not a family member, that you love him. Or if for whatever reason you feel tears welling up when you are around others, do not hold them back. Funny how these are things that truly require balls.
Liked by 61 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, axolotl, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, danzig, darkbladeopiate, dedal, disassociateme, djb, dutchessguy, dWiz, egadnob, electricgurl, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973, John65,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, Lokabo, masetudo, MKL222, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, walmai, WolfgangvonGoethe, xfatcat, zamark, zubbhead
Mercedes Llano Escape From Hollywood
57 photos added Aug 28, 2018
Mercedes Llano is back. Her curves rival those found on Mulholland Drive. We took some risks around Hollywood, shooting in the streets and in a stranger's front yard. But as I like to say: no harm, no foul. Putting together this gallery, I also found some leftovers of Mercedes practicing excellent dental hygiene. Organization has never been my strong suit. Embrace the chaos.
Liked by 59 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, danzig, darkbladeopiate, disassociateme, djb, doughboy, duskbound, dutchessguy, dWiz, electricgurl, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, loet66, Lokabo, masetudo, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, slipshooter, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, walmai, xfatcat, zamark, zubbhead
Ellen Kennedy Life Of The Party
42 photos added Aug 30, 2018
Our friend, Josue, from Texas is back with more Ellen Kennedy delights. Ellen's real name is Emily and I will leave it at that. It would be great if women did not have to hide this type of images from their friends and family, but we are still not at the level of sexual enlightenment that most of us dream of. One day, either one of two things will happen. We will either become so jaded that tits and ass and all that will be as commonplace as elbows and knees. Or people like me will be excommunicated from the interwebs for having such a primitive appreciation of the human body. Either way, I feel doomed. Please don't make me get a real job.
Liked by 68 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, axolotl, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, cuauhtemoc, D0gmeat, danzig, darkbladeopiate, dedal, disassociateme, djb, doughboy, dutchessguy, dWiz, egadnob, electricgurl, energikat, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, kazys, kitaurawa, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, Lokabo, masetudo, Menz, MKL222, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, twat, walmai, WolfgangvonGoethe, xfatcat, zamark, zubbhead
Central Park Salad
71 photos added Sep 01, 2018
And now part two of my day with three lovely women in Manhattan. Barbie Qu, Skye Blue, and Nina Presley are true NYC angels. The bonus video is quite brief, but as often I tell my wife after sex, it's better than nothing, right? More from this heavenly day at some point.
Liked by 65 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, axolotl, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, cjjordan, danzig, darkbladeopiate, dedal, disassociateme, djb, dutchessguy, dWiz, electricgurl, energikat, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973, John65,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, loet66, Lokabo, masetudo, MKL222, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, silvrstrk, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, twat, walmai, WolfgangvonGoethe, xfatcat, zamark, zubbhead
Presley Callen Might Be Giant
45 photos added Sep 03, 2018
Chael Sonnen says that being a professional team sports fan is like being a fan of laundry. Because there is no loyalty among the athletes. They go wherever the biggest paycheck takes them. So why would you want to wear another grown man's uniform on your back? You should be the hero of your own story. Yeah, I like Chael. He is a salty dog just like me. As for Presley Callen, she can wear whatever the hell she wants. She always looks amazing. I would even buy it if she told me Pence was her boyfriend. Stay wicked.
Liked by 59 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, axolotl, b0nz0, Beehle1969, blabla97, Cheshire, chrisnsa, danzig, darkbladeopiate, dedal, disassociateme, djb, dutchessguy, dWiz, egadnob, electricgurl, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, Lokabo, MKL222, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, walmai, WolfgangvonGoethe, xfatcat, zamark, zubbhead
Jasmine Jazz On Kong Island
52 photos added Sep 05, 2018
Jasmine Jazz reached out to us with a proposition. She was headed to an exotic destination in the South Pacific and she had a friend who could work a camera, so why not shoot some Zishy? Clever girl. Jasmine and her photographer only had one shot at this, so it had to right the first time. There are a few things I would do differently, but I am a neurotic bastard. You are here for beautiful women in provocative photos and that is exactly what Jasmine delivers.
Liked by 60 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, axolotl, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, danzig, darkbladeopiate, dedal, disassociateme, djb, dutchessguy, dWiz, egadnob, electricgurl, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973, John65,JumpmanJr, jusan, kazys, kitaurawa, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, Lokabo, masetudo, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PhilP, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, walmai, xfatcat, zamark, zubbhead
Helene Trobec Be Sexy Or Not
44 photos added Sep 07, 2018
Helene Trobec calls herself a man trapped in a woman's body. She gets along better with males and hardly has any female friends. Yet Helene still considers herself to be very emotional. She is quite the puzzle to solve. Helene says she loves Elvis Presley, but could not name a song of his. What she does know is how to tease the hell out of a camera even in a silly outfit. Screw glamour, this is the real Helene Trobec.
Liked by 65 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, axolotl, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, D0gmeat, danzig, darkbladeopiate, dedal, disassociateme, djb, doughboy, dutchessguy, dWiz, egadnob, electricgurl, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, Lokabo, masetudo, Melina, Menz, MKL222, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, twat, walmai, WolfgangvonGoethe, xfatcat, zamark, zubbhead
Gigi Matthews At The Sweet Spot
65 photos added Sep 09, 2018
Gigi pieced together this sexy hipster outfit like a wizard and we decided to tease around the Los Angeles City College. It was a warm day so there was plenty of motivation to grab a cold snack. Gigi chose blueberry ice cream at Scoops in Hollywood. She seemed to get a thrill from the sweets, the heat, and playing the role of a naughty student. I only had one final request before we left. Let me see those beautiful stems in a pair of high heels. Check please.
Liked by 62 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, axolotl, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, danzig, darkbladeopiate, disassociateme, djb, dutchessguy, dWiz, egadnob, electricgurl, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973, John65,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, kalebkan, kitaurawa, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, loet66, Lokabo, masetudo, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, twat, walmai, xfatcat, zamark, zubbhead
Dahlia Polk Escandalo
31 photos added Sep 11, 2018
This is a small update and it is the last that I have of Dahlia Polk. She is a special creation and proof that great things do not last forever. She responded to an ad on Craigslist which I posted before strict listing policies made their site irrelevant. Nowadays, you have to pay to post any gig and even lingerie photo shoots are labeled scandalous and instantly removed. Great work, gentlemen. But once, there were some CL salad days, when you could be easily connected with a beautiful stranger. She could send you selfies that showed off her impressive figure and you could jump on the next plane to Phoenix, eager to make magic. Thank you, Dahlia. You are always welcome to return. Goodbye, Craig. You will be missed.
Liked by 66 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, axolotl, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, D0gmeat, danzig, darkbladeopiate, dedal, disassociateme, djb, doughboy, dutchessguy, dWiz, egadnob, electricgurl, Grunt, Han Solo, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973, John65,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, kalebkan, kitaurawa, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, Lokabo, masetudo, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, twat, walmai, WolfgangvonGoethe, xfatcat, zamark, zubbhead
Peach Kennedy Welcome To Bananas
64 photos added Sep 13, 2018
Peach M. Kennedy is another delightfully eccentric woman I have had the pleasure to photograph. This girl knows how to grab life by the balls. She travels, she writes, she models. Basically, she does whatever the hell she wants. A youth being well-lived. Peach and I screwed around in the LAX area. We ran into a convention for child acting. If you think your life is strange, check out one of these events.
Liked by 62 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, axolotl, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Charlie_Spider, Cheshire, chrisnsa, danzig, darkbladeopiate, disassociateme, djb, doughboy, dutchessguy, dWiz, electricgurl, Grunt, Han Solo, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, Lokabo, masetudo, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, RonnieB, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, texas00, walmai, WolfgangvonGoethe, xfatcat, zamark, zubbhead
Sonya Ash White Lines Pt 1
64 photos added Sep 15, 2018
Here is Sonya Ash being flexible and ferocious in a tight body suit. Sonya is an interesting blend of vixen and goofball from California. She does not have to try to be wild, she just is. Her and her sister operate on a frequency that most young women will never reach. My kind of people. You will get to see more of her in the second part of this gallery. Oooh wow, nudity! Can you imagine? Spoiler alert: there will be boobs and butts. Stay dangerous.
Liked by 58 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, danzig, darkbladeopiate, disassociateme, djb, dutchessguy, dWiz, egadnob, electricgurl, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, loet66, Lokabo, masetudo, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, walmai, WolfgangvonGoethe, xfatcat, zamark, zubbhead
Shelley Fox Never Been Better
26 photos added Sep 17, 2018
Shelley Fox is as game as it gets when it comes to teasing with her intense curves. She is from Hungary and her body is completely unaltered. Doctors only wish they had this kind of talent. Shelley comes off as shy at first, but after spending time with her, I realize she is mostly very contemplative. A sultry energy like hers is usually accompanied with some mystery. Don't ask too many questions.
Liked by 58 users: ampsfor, andreas12128, aryaa, b0nz0, Beehle1969, Cheshire, chrisnsa, D0gmeat, danzig, disassociateme, djb, doughboy, dutchessguy, dWiz, egadnob, electricgurl, Grunt, heemeyer, Iambe, Ilike2party, ilitch, jbfan76, JDamien6973, John65,JumpmanJr, jusan, kaiserkraft, koniecpolski7, l0n3bl0w3r, laxio21, LbFoolish, Lenine666, letpit, lisabeh, Lokabo, masetudo, MMINC, Moriarty74, Morpher4Life, palpa13004, pauleswill, pedroc, PNN, portfolioman, psilo82, QuarK, Rachii, sacco, sandy14u2, Seb007, speedone88, staticman, TeeCee_3, temp48161, twat, walmai, xfatcat, zubbhead