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Nov 16, 2018 1:16 PM

Sep 2017
TomDay said:
not even going to get into their halfassed win. 7 out of 10. S1 and 2 are solid 9s, and the first quarter of the show (kise, right?) is an 8. also, i feel cheated we never saw kise's zone. i wish i could have seen it, he's one of my favourite characters.

this has to be the weakest not season finale mind you, SERIES finale. and this is all they could do? not even jazz up the ED? whatever. done with this at last. regardless i'm happy i took the time out to watch this franchise. S1 and 2 still exist and will never go away no matter how badly 3 rips them both to shreds. cheers-

You forgot to mention how poorly they handled Akashi’s split personality. I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure having the other personality disappear out of thin air is so unrealisitc.
Nov 16, 2018 3:47 PM

Feb 2015
DepravedMagi said:

You forgot to mention how poorly they handled Akashi’s split personality. I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure having the other personality disappear out of thin air is so unrealisitc.

my mom died...welp that happened, no more separate personality!
Nov 26, 2018 6:57 PM

Apr 2018
I don't care what anyone says, I loved that last episode. It was intense as heck! This season was certainly slower than the other 2, with the backstory and whatnot, but I still enjoyed it and was stoked for the boys to win!

The ending bout made me tear up! Great b-ball anime. 9/10 for the series fsure
Sep 17, 2019 4:04 PM
Jul 2018
What a disaster! I wanted to commit suicide while watching this season.
Jan 11, 2020 11:23 PM

Jul 2012
lavah said:
What a disaster! I wanted to commit suicide while watching this season.
I'm always baffled that S3 has a higher rating than the other two, which were actually good IMO.
May 4, 2020 4:00 PM

Jun 2017
I'm disgusted....Rakuzan should have won.Ridiculous.
Aug 4, 2020 5:58 PM

Jun 2014
And so it ends. This was an awesome finale. The Seirin and Rakuzan game wrapped up neatly, with some sweet final moves. We got to see what the teams are doing to prepare for next year (was Kiyoshi's young brother played by the same seiyuu?). Kiyoshi got a great send-off for his rehab, and life moves on. This made me feel better about some of the directions the past match went in.

All in all, ratings-wise, this is the weakest season for me, but I do think this had the best content. With Haizaki, the middle school arc, getting the full picture of Daiki's attitude towards basketball before he entered high school, and some awesome game moments (all fear the Emperor Eye), there were plenty of times where I was on the edge of my seat and enjoyed myself. The score, in particular, was fantastic. A lot of the new pieces were incredibly creepy, and I dug them all. They fit perfectly with the tension, especially when Haizaki was introduced and some fancy cards were played.

Akashi's development was the most disappointing thing about this season. He's a fascinating character, but I think the writers (and, by proxy, Fujimaki himself) didn't do a good job at deciding which direction they wanted to paint his "two personalities." Did he have DID? Was it developed to cope with loss? We never got a clear answer. Because of that, the framing of it was bad. It made Akashi less threatening (especially after saying he'd gouge out his own eyes if Rakuzan lost), even when he did really shady things or pulled OP power-ups out of his back pocket. How he was "cured" was laughable.

The moment where everyone cheered for Seirin was pretty cheesy as well. I liked seeing Kuroko's childhood/middle school return in the present, but in that way? Eh. The show keeps on shining the light on Kagami, even though technically, this is Kuroko's show. Izuki, in my eyes, was the MVP of those last three seconds. That was such a good play.

I could also mention I was annoyed by Kagami and Junpei's response to Kuroko's middle school story, but it seems a little late in the discussion forum for that.

At the end of the day, even though KnB isn't the most realistic sports anime out there, it's still a solid show. It could go without the discrimination, the Zone, and the moments that made my face scrunch in confusion, but it's still fun to watch, and it has some awesome games. I'm interested to see where Last Game goes. 8/10
Sep 20, 2020 1:36 AM

Dec 2016
What a nice ending, really tied up all the loose threads. That last 30 seconds was very intense and perfectly executed without feeling too dragged out or anything. Now after 3 seasons, you really feel attached to the characters.
Oct 14, 2020 3:02 AM

Dec 2007
good finale episode, though i have feeling i watched bette ending for sport anime.

for a minute i thought that kuroko - the one that the series called after - won't get to show some play, but the final play were amazing.

i'm glad that instead focusing in seirin celebrating the winning they concentrate on akashi, good development seal.

good showcase of the GOM players and making "open ending", but as i said, i feel i watched better ending, but still good ending and the first theme to be played made it better.
8/10 for the end.

for the season, i actually felt probably like anyone else the season is weak, my main problem at the first half of the season is the complete abandoning of tactic plays and strategic and depending more on the abilities an even abandoning completely team play, but luckily the last game completely fixed it, but the other games still got hurt.

but i believe the main reason for the season to be weak is the writing style - what made the 1st season to be so good to even stand out than the 2nd were the free imaginative writing of building the world, seirin and the other GOM and and their players, the 2nd were succeeded to be better than the 1st in term of novelty writing, but the 3rd season seriously lack any of that and felt little force and lack of something new, and so the pattern of the season were pretty predicted, that's to say, the way were amazing and all, but the way of writing lowered it down. the only thing that reminded me the 2nd season though were the "real" zone, and it's where this season really shined, but that's it, the rest were pretty bad written.

but that's really all what made the season be less good than the others, the other things as character development animation and especially OST really made this season as the other ones.
8/10 for the season

as for the series,
i really have big comparison between prince of tennis and this, but in the end KNB were great as it is, and though i liked kuroko, i slightly liked ryuma better, but there's a lot of good things in KNB that made it great on it's own, from the story development to good selection of characters, good animation (though to have ups and downs) and great OST that praised with every season.
9/10 for the series.
Mar 1, 2021 5:32 AM
Jan 2021
Kuroko's Birthday episode was cool
Apr 8, 2021 1:13 PM
Oct 2012
Season 1 was fucking trash stay delusional
May 21, 2021 3:44 PM

Nov 2016
These last few minutes were nerve wreckingly intense. Everyone played their part in that miraculous catch up. Can't really describe the sensation after the buzzer beater and Seirin's victory celebration, it was an emotional overload. 'Can do' kicking in was perfect.

Then there was Akashi who eventually found what he was secretly looking for. How he took the loss and the handshake with Kuroko was pretty touching.

The part with the other schools/ preparing for university and the next season was also super nice. Everything felt so normal again, including Oni-Riko putting Seirin though hell xD I would've loved it even more if that was just set up for the second year instead of conclusion. How amazing it would be if there was more Kuroko no Basket. The potential was definitely there with the amount of players(Shutoku alone has probably enough siblings to warrant a spin-off) We haven't even seen some match ups between the GoM. Which is a little shame imo.

In that sense, I'm once again pretty sad that it's over, but I don't think my post anime depression will be as bad as upon my first time completing the manga and later the anime.

All in all one of my absolute all time favorites. I love the characters, the style, the OST, the hype. No matter how many times I watch it, always fire.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 7, 2021 8:41 AM

Jun 2020
Oh my god Izuki’s pass!!!!!!!! And when Riko was like “Juuunpei~uwu” .....SAME GURL

Hyuuga saying he feels like he’s going to cry because of Kiyoshi’s “final play” (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) And his leg almost giving out. Man even I wanted to cry. The daddies of Seirin, I love this 2 so fuckin muuucucicuchhhhhh (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)

When Kiyoshi was reaching for & caught that rebound. I FELT THAT. And of course Kuroko score the winning point but NO, I got the chills when he said to Akashi that he’s the shadow & Kagami came flyin ♡_______♡

Yay Seirin!!!!! This match was ass but they definitely deserved to win against Rakuzan. Kiyoshi lifting Riko was so cute!!!!

Kiyoshi going overseas to get his surgery done. I teared up when Hyuuga spoke to him. Kiyoshi, you protected Seirin till the end♡

Kuroko’s smile in the magazine feature :’)

Kasamatsu loooooooool. And Wakamatsu found a way to get Aomine to come to practice lolollll. Akashi thanking Mayuzumi......I wish we saw more of Akashi & his development. So bittersweet to see the other teams again. I wish the story could go on a feels so abrupt to just end right after this Winter Cup. I know there’s Last Game but (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) and it’s not like there’s any more to the manga. These characters are amazing I want more ㅠㅡㅠ

Kuroko getting the photo from Satsuki (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)

♡ Thank u KnB you were amazing!!!!! ♡

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Jul 26, 2021 7:39 AM

Dec 2010
I agree, this episode was lacking in emotional delivery, I got more feeling from the fact that this is finally ending, than anything in the finale itself. The show is 9/10 overall, the season itself - maybe 7/10. I find Shūtoku vs Rakuzan the best part about it.
Aug 17, 2021 10:58 PM

May 2017
Wow that was absolutely amazing. For me KnB is the best Sports Anime I've ever watched. Imo KnB is the perfect blend of sports and battle shounen nothing more but also nothing less. One of the most motivating and hyped series I know. Just pure Anime basketball action.
Sep 14, 2021 9:42 AM

Jan 2014
Wow even tho I knew Seirin would win I almost cried when they got those last points. Very good series overall, got me hooked up all three seasons, tho I guess my favorite game was against toudo in s2, but all games were entertaining to watch.

So glad netflix picked this up or else I might have never watched it.
Oct 7, 2021 1:27 PM
May 2021
how akashi "swipe" the left eye color?
Nov 13, 2021 2:00 AM
Jul 2018
they want to throw another one because... they are too proud?? And the coach says nothing? this is so stupid dude
Jan 21, 2022 1:03 PM

Aug 2019
That was incredible!! I was in tears when they won, and I was especially happy since Ogiwara, Aomine, Kise, and Midorima were cheering for Seirin I'm missing them already.
Sun_ChanJan 21, 2022 1:08 PM
May 5, 2022 4:10 PM
Jan 2021
That, was, epic!

Akashi returning to his real self, Kuroko saying that he's a shadow before giving the ball to Kagami for the last dunk, and everything in between.

This series has proven that any sport can be turned into an epic anime and have its own action, suspense, development, etc.

Most of what goes on in the series revolves around basketball, which makes sense since this is called KUROKO'S BASKETBALL. Even the character development for everyone happens as a result of basketball. That is the one thing a lot of the characters have in common, their true love of basketball.

And to end it off, we see a picture of Kuroko with the Generation of Miracles at a street ball court. That was so touching.
Oct 2, 2022 7:10 PM
May 2015
A good basket ball show
Nov 18, 2022 8:21 AM

May 2020
I forgot to breathe in the entirety of first half, that last minute of the game had such an intense feel around it. Hyuga taking the gamble and then the duo of Kuroko and Kagami paying that off in the usual fashion. The perfect way to conclude the game anyone could've asked for.

Seirin's victory roar and Akashi coming in terms with his loss and at the same time appreciating Kuroko and his team for win got me. Emotions hitting every nook and cranny of the body.

The sort of epilogue second half, with the rest of the characters going back the normal school life, stuffs with exams and college gave that well deserved breather after all that basketball stuff we had in loop for a long time. Kinda making me want to watch this more, except there isn't much after this.

Loved the characters, loved the series. People may shoot "the lack of realism" daggers, but it's fine. As entertainment value topples everything. 8/10.
Dec 12, 2022 12:51 PM
Jul 2020
I loved everything about it
Jan 4, 2023 4:46 AM

Apr 2022
what a final episode, felt more than just a sports anime and i don't even watch basketball irl. this is currently my top 1 sports anime now.

thank you KnB for 3 solid seasons and amazing music.
Feb 25, 2023 7:04 PM
May 2020
Took me a year but I finally finished. It wasn’t a perfect anime but I loved it. Season 2 being my absolute favorite.
Mar 6, 2023 7:01 PM
Nov 2021
amazing characters and teamwork
Apr 19, 2023 1:27 AM
Jan 2023
i will miss knb so much
Apr 22, 2023 3:41 AM
Aug 2022
Man!!! Amazing Series came to an end.
I really love this anime Sense of humor, and Emotions are flowing in this anime.
Apr 25, 2023 7:57 AM
Mar 2020
I love this anime really
Jun 5, 2023 2:31 AM
May 2019
amazing anime. Ending was great closure.
Jun 5, 2023 2:32 AM
May 2019
amazing anime. Ending was great closure.
Aug 7, 2023 5:55 AM
Nov 2022
Konec prostě úžasnej
Dec 23, 2023 9:51 AM
Mar 2019
Pretty average show compared to Slam Dunk. Overall 7/10 for me
Feb 7, 2024 3:01 PM
Feb 2024
Bro legit actually Goated
Feb 26, 2024 3:24 AM

Jun 2023
What a good ride~~ It's made me feel so many emotions, laughed, cried, impressed, annoyed, hoped, goosebumps, etc!! I binge-watched s1-3 this for 4 days. I'm full yet so satisfied with the ending~~~
May 20, 2024 5:43 AM
Apr 2024
top 10 best animes of all time
Sep 10, 2024 1:51 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
One of the best sports anime in history. Impressive.
9/10 for this season.
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Sep 17, 2024 8:59 AM

Apr 2024
Here we are. The end of the road. The journey's finale. Seirin won in the end with their shadow and light finishing off the battle. I'm glad to see that Akashi didn't revert to his other self for this final fight, but instead became better. Calmer. I like this new Akashi. Every team moves on, but not without Seirin affecting their lives for the better

"Shadow And Light; Finale of Truth" was what I thought after the episode finished
Dec 24, 2024 10:35 AM
Jan 2023
The power of friendship always prevails😤✊
Jan 3, 2:03 PM
Dec 2024
Reply to geralt
I just realised that everyone got their time to shine in the last play. Izuki stole the ball and made a perfect pass, Hyuga got the 4 points play in, Teppei got the rebound, Kuroko made the alley loop and Kagami dunked it in. Izuki was definitely the hero though in the situation.

Also I loved they used the very first op from season 1, it's a nice nostalgic touch.
@geralt this is something I noticed and really appreciated as well - Izuki had his moment of full growth and redeeming all of his past mistakes and failings. Coming on top despite the skill/talent gap.
Hyuga pulling his own makeshift Earth stunt and getting the 4 point play, Kagami scoring (a 3 Pointer?) from Kuroko, Kiyoshi taking the ultimate decisive rebound in their final team play and passing to Kuroko, and Kuroko finishing as the Ultimate Shadow by feinting Phantom Shot into a perfect Alley Oop by Kagami.

I need to rewatch Izuki's silent moment of glory - I need to see again that perfect pass you mentioned
Jan 6, 2:22 AM
Dec 2024
Reply to Waifusexual
I don't see how some of you idiots watched 75 episodes of this series and complain about "asspulls" in the final episode, as if they're something new and unexpected in KnB. You should have dropped it a long time ago
@Waifusexual not to mention there wasn't any real "asspulls".

Akashi Buffing his Teammates making them go into Quasi-Zone - is so AKASHI it's great.
Akashi was always depicted as a natural born charismatic and aspiring to success Leader. Him able to Share his Zone with others is very Video Gamey in the best way possible.

More importantly it raised the stakes, which you need at the final episodes of the show.

Seirin's True Direct Drive Zone was also incredibly awesome and satisfying and the nothing far fetched about it - it was implied many times before in Episode "Trust" for example - and we've seen glimpses of it before.

There's nothing superpower about it - they are just playing as a team - with synergy and chemistry - that thing exists. It's just high level Teamwork.

It's not the power of friendship - it's the power of guys who worked blood, sweat and tears training together - to play as one. Who know each other like the back of their hands. Who rely and trust each other.

This was much more rewarding and gratifying to watch - than some 1 man show getting superpowers.
Feb 10, 12:17 PM

Jan 2013
Kinda wish they didn't do yet another "basket counts and free throw" but it was the only way to win from there.
Really satisfying final shot from Kagami.

Season 3 is yet again an improvement on it's predecessor.
We finally get a lot more insight into most of the characters, how they came to be where they are etc.
The highlight was definitely exploring Akashi's character, tragic if you think about it but at least now he finally knows.

Glad to see Kuroko finally being a character too, he was very bland from the start which was maybe intentional since he's supposed to be the shadow after all but I think they did a good job fleshing him out.

Solid season, definitely my favourite out of the three.
Mar 15, 3:50 PM
Oct 2024
seirin's ass saved by plot armour
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