I like lore, I like stories, and I like depicting moments in stories. This felt like a good moment to depict ^^
LunarKeys Keys, who wrote the following story bit:
She took little breaths. Slow and short. The gleam of the eyes focused on her danced in the firelight, and she felt herself anchored more firmly by those than the fingers holding her cheeks.
"H-how does it work, exactly?"
He smiled, and the crease of his expression bent the light. She felt reality seem to slide with it.
"The strangest thing about it is how natural it feels.
It sounds absurd to say, but you'll be here, with the light of the fireplace playing against your skin, my fingers upon your cheeks, and then the feeling of reality seeming to melt down into a kaleidoscopic array of warm colors, and then...fantasy.
Here, but not. You'll feel more vulnerable than you ever have in your life, but the same anchor cuts you off from fear, from anxiety. The warmth of the fire will become a blazing sun, and yet the heat will only be that which you most crave; the steady pulse of eager heartbeat.
Everything will be okay. Everything will be wonderful."
He blew, once, and the colors of his muzzle seemed to flow together into a tunnel of hues, and reality blew away with them.
Posted using PostyBirb

She took little breaths. Slow and short. The gleam of the eyes focused on her danced in the firelight, and she felt herself anchored more firmly by those than the fingers holding her cheeks.
"H-how does it work, exactly?"
He smiled, and the crease of his expression bent the light. She felt reality seem to slide with it.
"The strangest thing about it is how natural it feels.
It sounds absurd to say, but you'll be here, with the light of the fireplace playing against your skin, my fingers upon your cheeks, and then the feeling of reality seeming to melt down into a kaleidoscopic array of warm colors, and then...fantasy.
Here, but not. You'll feel more vulnerable than you ever have in your life, but the same anchor cuts you off from fear, from anxiety. The warmth of the fire will become a blazing sun, and yet the heat will only be that which you most crave; the steady pulse of eager heartbeat.
Everything will be okay. Everything will be wonderful."
He blew, once, and the colors of his muzzle seemed to flow together into a tunnel of hues, and reality blew away with them.
Posted using PostyBirb
Category Artwork (Digital) / Miscellaneous
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 2518 x 1463px
File Size 2.94 MB